California Launches Innovative Initiative: California Jobs First Council Aims to Generate Thousands of Jobs Statewide
Sacramento – Governor Gavin Newsom has introduced the pioneering California Jobs First Council, alongside a comprehensive operational plan focused on expediting job creation across the state. This groundbreaking initiative aims to streamline California’s economic and workforce development programs, facilitating the generation of more family-supporting jobs and prioritizing sectors poised for future growth.
Governor Newsom emphasized, “California has led the nation in creating opportunities, jobs, and businesses. However, it’s imperative that we ensure collective progress. Through this council and strategic investments, we are aligning our economic resources to generate more jobs, faster, benefiting Californians in every corner of the state.”
Statewide Collaboration for Job Training and Creation
The California Jobs First Council, co-chaired by Dee Dee Myers, Senior Advisor to Governor Newsom, and Stewart Knox, Secretary of Labor & Workforce Development, will bring together various state entities. This collaboration includes representatives from the Governor’s Office of Planning & Research, the California Natural Resources Agency, the California Department of Food and Agriculture, the California Environmental Protection Agency, the California Health & Human Services Agency, the California Department of Veterans Affairs, and the Public Utilities Commission.
Dee Dee Myers emphasized, “The California Jobs First Council is a critical component of the Governor’s vision for a California For All. We eagerly anticipate collaborating with our colleagues to strategically invest in economic growth and job creation across all regions of California.”
Strategic Development and Investment
The Council will coordinate the development of a statewide industrial strategy, including economic snapshots, identification of priority sectors, a projects portfolio, and workforce development strategies. Additionally, it will support regional Jobs First Collaboratives to expand industries and create local jobs.
The $182 million investment aims to create jobs in every region of the state. Governor Newsom announced the allocation of $14 million to each of the 13 Jobs First Collaboratives, enabling them to invest in pre-development activities for sector-specific projects.
Stewart Knox remarked, “California Jobs First embodies an intentional, inclusive approach to economic and workforce development, empowering communities to shape their futures equitably.”
Community Voices
Community leaders have expressed support for the initiative, highlighting its potential to drive inclusive economic growth:
Matthew Mena, Executive Director, IEGO (Inland Empire): “We need an all-of-government approach to creating quality jobs and a more accessible economy. The Governor’s commitment to collaboration is evident, and we look forward to realizing our shared goals.”
Evan Schmidt, President & CEO, Valley Vision (Capitol): “We are grateful for the Governor’s collaborative approach to strategic investments. Together, we can create the jobs and opportunities our region needs.”
Ashley Swearengin, President & CEO, Central Valley Community Foundation (Central San Joaquin): “Governor Newsom’s commitment to our communities is unwavering. This initiative underscores his dedication to our region’s prosperity.”
Stephen Cheung, President & CEO, Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (Los Angeles County): “As we develop our regional strategy, it’s reassuring to know that the California Jobs First Council will support our vision for an inclusive economy with quality jobs.”
California’s Future: Opportunity and Growth
The California Jobs First Council represents a bold step towards a future where economic opportunity is accessible to all Californians. Through strategic collaboration and investment, we are paving the way for sustainable growth and prosperity across the Golden State.
External link to California Jobs First Initiative

Fly Like An Eagle Outreach, Inc. is excited to be a partner in this initiative.